מילים לשיר Fuck Them All

All of these years they be stamping on my face
What a disgrace, feel like a fox in a chase,
Me losing the race one day
We gonna fuck them all!
Every generation
There's a new regulation
Designed to keep us down and out
Every day, dey go out of their way
To make us feel like we don't know what it's all about
One day
We gonna fuck them all!
Sing with me brothers and sisters!
We gonna fuck them all
What we're gonna do? What we're gonna do?
We gonna fuck them all

I go a get up in the morning
Gonna break down the segragation wall
E gonna evacuate and burn all the banks
And every shopping mall
We gonna take all the generals and kindly, surgically,
Remove them from their balls
We gonna fuck them all
In a gentle kind loving manner
But nonetheless

We gonna fuck them all
What we're gonna do?
We're gonna fuck them all

חשבתי על זה כמעט כל היום
אני עובר לאלפיון העליון
עוד מעט יגיע לכאן עפיפון
ייקח את כולנו לאלפיון העליון
ושם נעשה מסיבות ונרקוד כל היום ונשיר
את השיר של האלפיון העליון
Fuck them all
עלינו הם שרים, שרים וגם עושים!
Fuck them all
זה השיר שלהם בכלל, לא שלנו!

Well I told my friends:
Listen friends I am no Anarchist
I am no antichrist
I am a Radical Spiritual Utopist!
We don't go round fucking people just like this
In the middle of the East
We do things in a different manner
And you may not like it
But from now on I believe what we should do is
Hug them all!
Fill them with love
Show them that they are human
We gonna hug them all!
Love! Love!
We gonna hug them all
Sorry no more fucking on my shift!

And only if they don't see the light
And if they don't change their way
We will have absolutely no choice
But to go back to plan A
And then we fuck them all
We tried kissing we tried hugging it didn't work!
We gonna fuck them all!

Until they see the light
Love will enter their hearts
And they will awaken
And be full of LOVE

מילים: דני אמיר, לחן: דני אמיר
