מילים לשיר One World

This is how we share things – we rather take
This is how we find solutions – we love to brake

This is how we give to each other - "what can I get instead?"

And this is how we blame one another - we rather hate

We haveone world

But we're tearing-up nature

We have one god
 But still we're
killing in the name of
We have one soul

Do you think you're different?

We have one blood

But we think we're better than the other

This is how we're living - we're suspicious

This is how we treat exceptions – it's easier to reject them

This is how we educate - we tell them "not to"
this is how we get respect - we make'em fear us

We have one world

We have one world

Can we see the beauty?

We have one god

But we forget to thank him

We have one soul

We all have the same wishes

We have one blood
tell me, Is the color different?

We have one world

מילים: עינת בצלאל, לחן: הקים בוקהיט
