מילים לשיר Start Again

Every time in my life when I think that it's gone
You come and nudge me along

Every time in my life when I think there's no way
You come and make me feel safe

Every time in my life when I think there's no hope
You come and take off the rope

And all I know, is I'm alone
Forever I am told
You stayed so long I owe you more

Every time in my life when I think I need home
You come and make it enough

Every time in my life when I sing out of tune
You come and tell me "just start again darling"

Every time in my life when it wouldn't stop raining
You came and asked me to take..

..your hand and dance, such true romance
I thank you for the chance
And every time it feels so right to be inside
I want to be inside
How I wait to be inside of you

Every time in my life when I think that I'm gone
You come and show me I'm wrong

Every time in my life when I think there's no hope
You always take off the rope

The figurines that come to mind
Connect me with these crimes
'Cause in my sleep, I smell you still
Like I might be just fine

And all I know is I can't wait to be inside
How I want to be inside
How I wait to get inside of you

מילים: שחר גלעד, לחן: שחר גלעד
